We are proud to support SPORT ENGLAND's new
BUDDLE sport and physical activity training programme by making it inclusive and accessible for Deaf sport, physical activity and community organisations.
The new training is available for everyone who wants to provide sport and physical activity for Deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind people.
- Deaf sport organisations and clubs
- National Deaf organisations
- Local Deaf organisations
Buddle training will be delivered in three formats:
- A webinar: A live video presentation by a Buddle tutor with opportunities for interaction at specific points during the session. Duration: 60 minutes.
- A workshop: A live virtual classroom or face-to-face session facilitated by a Buddle tutor. The tutor will share information and there will be opportunities for delegates to interact with each other using a range of methods including breakout rooms. Duration: Usually 90 minutes but can be requested as a 60-minute event.
- Share and learn networking session: A live classroom or face-to-face session facilitated by a Buddle tutor. This is where a topic will be discussed and delegates will share their practice, knowledge and explore solutions. This format is more discussion-based. Duration: 90 minutes. Suitable for people who have already completed a previous Club Matters/Buddle workshop