UK Deaf Sport

Welcome to a new programme for 2025!

Deaf & Hearing Trailblazers are working with Sport England and Sports Structures to deliver a new branded training programme.

The training is for all kinds of organisations who deliver and provide sport and physical activity opportunties. We are focussing on those who provide for deaf and hard of hearing people.

The programme, formerly known as Club Matters, now has a new name BUDDLE and we have just completed the first anniversary!

Deaf Sports organisations

UK Deaf Sport wants to support all Deaf Sport Organisations to improve their governance, capacity, knowledge, and skills to enable them to be sustainable.


To that end, we think it would be highly beneficial for Deaf Sport Organisations to meet the Tier 1 Code for Sports Governance. These workshops enable your organisation to work towards transparency, diversity and inclusion, accountability and integrity that are required to receive UK Government and National Lottery funding from Sport England and/or UK Sport. 


BUDDLE - The programme gives you the opportuntiy to meet and work with community organisations who are not set up for sports but they do want to encourage and provide opportunties for people to enjoy and benefit from sport and physical activity, these workshops help you both to understand how to do this. It also gives you a network to meet the people you need to support you.

Deaf Community organisations

Your organisation is already delivering different services to local, regional and national communities. You know the benefits that sport and physical activity give to individuals, their health and well-being so BUDDLE workshops have been designed for you.

These courses help you to connect with Deaf sport organisations who have the expertise and resources to work with you and to help you achieve your common aims.

'Club Matters' has a new name - BUDDLE

Buddle training will be delivered in three formats:

  • A webinar: A live video presentation by a Buddle tutor with opportunities for interaction at specific points during the session. Duration: 60 minutes.
  • A workshop: A live virtual classroom or face-to-face session facilitated by a Buddle tutor. The tutor will share information and there will be opportunities for delegates to interact with each other using a range of methods including breakout rooms. Duration: Usually 90 minutes but can be requested as a 60-minute event.
  • Share and learn networking session: A live classroom or face-to-face session facilitated by a Buddle tutor. This is where a topic will be discussed and delegates will share their practice, knowledge and explore solutions. This format is more discussion-based. Duration: 90 minutes. Suitable for people who have already completed a previous Club Matters/Buddle workshop

UKDS Approval for International Competitions

 It is compulsory that all Deaf Sport Organisations that want UK Deaf Sport to enter them into international competitions will need to attend the following three sessions, however, it is strongly advised that they engage with the whole training programme.


  • Safeguarding Children
  • Safeguarding Adults
  • Risk Assessment Training


Alongside this training programme, UK Deaf Sport will also be providing one to one tailored support to its members who are Deaf Sport Organisations to help them to improve their governance.

There are MORE courses to come - You get to decide which ones!

UK Deaf Sport needs to know which courses you would like to attend this year.

Please can you let us know by filling in the survey:

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